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TYPE  40 | Poldecor | 

Papel de pared liquido Poldecor | Ecowall

Papel de parede liquido marca Poldecor

There are several brands of liquid wallpaper in Europe such as Silk Plaster, Ecopaper and others.

THEECOWALL  exclusively sells the brand's liquid wallpaperPOLDECORin Portugal and Spain.

For over 25 years, thePOLDECOR manufactures for most European countries, Russia, Kazakhstan, Japan and USA. Its materials are present in countless apartments, restaurants, hotels, day care centers or sales halls. We consolidate its position by betting on quality, without compromise. It uses only the highest quality materials, frequently releases new models and, above all, offers beautiful products, not easy to manufacture.

Its industrial park grows regularly, and many machines are unique examples, adapted to its needs.

Its aim is to offer cosy, elegant and exclusive wallcoverings for users who want to give their interiors an original and unique character. Liquid wallpapers POLDECOR  fill the interiors with a natural, warm and familiar atmosphere, exuding comfort and originality. Thanks to their particular properties, they provide a relaxing tranquility and harmony. They create their products with the most demanding customers in mind, who appreciate maximum quality and comfort.




+351-910 514 759

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ECOWALL | Chapim Shopping Center - Praça Ordem de Cristo nº 7-2675 -597 Odivelas, PORTUGAL  Phone: +351-910 514 759

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