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Ainda que  o papel de parede líquido possa ser aplicado por qualquer pessoa procuramos profissionais de remodelações e pintura em todo o país, disponíveis para aplicar o nosso produto. Contacte-nos por email!


Liquid wallpaper and the plasterboard

Avoid the use of busbars in plasterboard joints,

A simple bead of Pattex Ac401, pass the spatula and you're done.

Then apply two coats of our Poldecor Grunt primer, let it dry and you're ready to spread out liquid paper.

Plasterboard is composed of plaster and cardboard that have excellent acoustic absorption characteristics, however when painting the plasterboard, the paint covers the pore, making it acoustically reactive, creating flutter echoes that initially did not exist.

Poldecor liquid wallpaper, due to its high percentage of cotton, is the solution.

Essential in the ceilings of your renovations


Tests and

Acoustic Analisys

Espectograma sem papel de parede liquido
Espectograma com papel de parede liquido

  Excessive reflections in the first 50ms following the emission of a sound drastically decrease the dialog intelligibility index (Clarity C50). This is a recurring problem in public spaces with people talking, such as restaurants.


These spaces often have painted plasterboard ceilings, which only exacerbates the problem.


 The liquid wallpaper sold by us is the cheapest, most aesthetically pleasing and fastest solution to implement. You don't need to close your business.


 Besides we present the results of an acoustic measurement carried out before and after the application of our innovative product on the ceiling and walls.

 The frequency zone between 2kHz and 5kHz is responsible for the differentiation of words, as it is in this zone that the consonants of words have their predominance.


 With liquid wallpaper the reduction of echoes starts well below this frequency zone and extends to all higher frequencies, from 300hz to >10kHz.

Higher "Clarity" values mean more intelligible dialogue and music.

Clarity sem papel de parede liquido
Clarity com papel de parede liquido


Resellers and Applicators

If you have a store open to the public and you want to be a regional liquid wallpaper reseller, fill in the form below and apply to be our partner in the sale of this innovative product. If eligible, we will send you our partnership conditions,

If you are a professional in the field of remodeling, construction or interior design, fill in the form to obtain our special prices for professionals and a catalog to show your customers.

Application for reseller or discount for professional applicators

Thank you very much. We will reply soon!


+351-910 514 759

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ECOWALL | Chapim Shopping Center - Praça Ordem de Cristo nº 7-2675 -597 Odivelas, PORTUGAL  Phone: +351-910 514 759

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